Public Safety Memorial (Coming Soon in 2018)
Pillars of Ashton (Coming Soon in 2018)
Bearers of the Maltese Cross
Fire Station #3 – Ogden, Utah
The history of firefighters is very interesting. The cross that firefighters wear on their helmets and uniforms is called the Maltese Cross. Named after the cross the knights of Saint John wore in Malta in the 1500’s. The story goes that as Malta was being attacked the opposing army was using a new revolutionary weapon of war… Fire. They filled glass bottles with naptha and drenched the army and the city with flammable fluid. When everything was sufficiently soaked they threw in their torches and burned many alive. The knights of Saint John took to saving everyone they could often sacrificing themselves in the process. These knights became the first fire fighters and the Maltese cross has come to symbolize the courage and responsibility fire fighters take upon themselves in their willingness to risk their own lives to help those in need. My design shows a knight of Saint John, a fire fighter from the 1800’s and a modern day fire fighter, Each bearing the Maltese Cross.
Out On The Town
City Hall – Meridian, Idaho
Growing up in Meridian, I had many opportunities to see my hometown through a child’s eyes. On many occasions, my older siblings and I would walk around town buying candy and ice cream and looking at toys. It was always a fun adventure. I hope this sculpture will encourage Meridian residents and visitors to enjoy themselves out on the town.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Henry Hansen
John F. Shelley
City Hall – Shelley Idaho
North Summit County Public Library – Coalville Utah
Splash is a sculpture of self-reflection. More than just a mirror, Splash lets you see yourself in different ways urging you to think about the person you are and would like to become. You can view yourself branching out just as the sculpture does. The sculpture appears liquid as if it is still moving and pliable. This symbolizes the ever-changing aspect of our lives. Everyone can change and we have yet to author our future. It is my hope that everyone who views this sculpture will walk away thinking more about the type of person they are and want to become. To view an article written in the Park Record about this sculpture click here.
Other Works found in Public Places
Joseph's Prayer - Church History Museum - Salt Lake City, Utah
Epiphany Snake River Eye Associates of Shelley Shelley Idaho
Tim the tape creature - Shelley High School Cafeteria - Shelley, Idaho
Tim the tape creature - Shelley High School Cafeteria - Shelley, Idaho
Pinchy the trash bag Octopus - Temporary Sculpture
Shelley Idaho Art in Public
As the Art Teacher at Shelley High School I have started a program to get quality art in public places around Shelley Idaho. My students submit designs then one is chosen to collaborate with me to finalize the design. Then the artist, my advanced art class, and I paint the mural. Two Murals have been done in the past year. For this coming school year my plan is to fill Shelley with 3 more murals and 4 sculptures.